Saturday, December 18, 2010

Google Adsense Snapshot:

What is Google Adsense?
 वहतइस गूगल अद्सेंसे ?

I will tell you in detail what is Google adsense? And how we can earn money by using? Google adsense. In order to learn earning techniques it is necessary to have knowledge about Google adsense.
So, Google adsense is an application or a product or we can say it a program policy run by Google. Google  Adsense allow the persons to sign up with them and Google adsense provide an account to the websites holders or blog holder with complete access to the account and web site holder use the account no called publisher ID often start from “pub” following the digit code. Website holder or account holder by using the account place adds on his/her website or blog. The process of placing ads is known as monetizing the site or blog. Ads can be placed on any type of web site. Now you are thinking how we can place ads on our blog site. The truth is it is not a complicated process it’s as easy as a child play. First time when I was searching and trying to learn what is Google adsense I always used to think such type of questions. Now I will try to convince you and try to explain you in an easy way.

Adsene is an ad serving program which pay a great share it has been experienced Google pay 68% to its members of total collected revenue.

Google adsense will pay you share of revenue which Google adsense will collect from the ads which you place on your site or blog. Here it not necessary to tell you ho much revenue share you will get when peoples while surfing in search engine click on the ads you placed on your site or blog then a share of its total (fixed) amount is transferred in your account. Google adsense pay on the basis of pay per click and click per impression. You are not required to understand such difficult terminology. In simple meaning Google pay for clicking the ads and to visit the ads of course the revenue transferred in case of clicking would be more than transferred in case of only visit.
After my detailed study is now open to me that there is no fix amount on every add click you are paid. Some peoples say that they are getting paid 0.01% or some says that they are getting 0.80% so it depends on the situation. However you should not get painic and to waist time on these policies but you should not ignore it if the ads on your site are more expensive then you will automatically start receivind enough money. It has been observed the technology and Gaming sites earn more even by low clicks. This is experienced work so you must have to follow in order to earn more.

So it has revealed that for earning through Google adsense you must have a blog or a website of any type. I will explain it later that website should be in accordance Google adsense programs policies.

How we can get adsense acccount simple video tutorial

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